4 min read 0

Lisbon 2023

Lisbon, Portugal. Our fourth and final stop of our 2023 European Vacation. We stayed in the historic area with cobblestone streets and sidewalks and lots of hills! We saw lots of historic sites, sampled lots of delicious food and even enjoyed the beach!

5 min read 0

Barcelona 2023

We traveled from Paris to Barcelona, Spain via a 7-hour train ride. It was nice to relax, regroup and get our blog site a little updated.
Barcelona has some really amazing architecture. Their city blocks are all the same size and shape and are each a self-contained neighborhood.

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Paris 2023

We took the Eurostar high-speed train from London to Paris. The train ride was smooth, but we arrived at rush hour in Paris, which caused a bit of a rough start. A little bit of a fiasco with the apartment we were supposed to be staying in, but it all got straightened out.

3 min read 0

Cinder, Ebony, and Ash

While driving home with Cinder, Ebony and Ash I received a text that they were sick and we needed to keep them in a confined area. After I got home we were advised that the litter may have been exposed to Parvo and not to let them in the yard.

1 min read 0

Lost Trail Winery

We spent an evening with Betsy’s brother and sister-in-law, Kirk and Donna at Lost Trail Winery as a Harvest Host stay. This is the first time trailer camping with them since they got their trailer.

The winery is setup with a campground setting, with picnic tables, and Adirondack chairs around campfires. Live music was performed by Robin Roseberry.

2 min read 0

Penny, Dewey and Buddy

We got Penny, Dewey and Buddy in July of 2023 and we only had them for a week and 2 days. Penny was named for the color of her coat, Dewey got his name because he had a double dew claw on his back paws and Buddy was just a good little buddy. 🙂They loved running in the yard and playing in the kiddie pool. And, they were liked to help out with the dishes!!