Spot, Ferdinand, Sparkles, Cole, Petey & Cammie

On January 26, 2024 we picked up 6 puppies from Geauga Mama Dogs and pups! We only kept three but the other foster needed somewhere for her three to stay until she was able to take them. So Spot, Ferdinand, Sparkles, Cole, Petey and Cammie all came home with us and all got baths. Ellie was a great helper as always! The next day Cole, Petey and Cammie were picked up so we were down to three puppies. Six puppies is a lot at one time! Below are pictures Eleanor took of each puppy. ๐Ÿ’—

Just some cute pics and Spot playing with the cat toy and Ellie.

Outdoor Play

It was chilly out so all the puppies had to put on jackets. It was a lot of work to get jackets on 6 puppies but it was fun and they looked so cute. Ferdinand’s face in the second picture cracks me up! Like, how dare you put me in pink! We also got a video of Sparkles, Ferdinand (Ferd) and Spot trying to do the stairs. Sounds like I am calling Ferd Turd in the video. LOL!

Sleeping Puppies

As you can tell from all my puppy posts, I love sleeping puppy pictures! These puppies did not disappoint with their crazy sleeping poses!

Dinner Time, a Treat Puzzle and Fun with a Snuffle Matt

Dinner time with 6 puppies is fun! We just put all the food on tray for them to share. Ellie helped out with dinner time. ๐Ÿ˜Š Spot, Cammie and Sparkles have fun with a treat puzzle and a snuffle matt.

Puppy Yoga!

Geauga Mama Dogs and Pups did puppy yoga at the Cleveland Dance Company! It was so much fun!

Ready for Adoption

Ferdinand, Spot and Sparkles posing for their adoption pics. They were all direct adopted so we got to meet all their adopters.

Spot is Returned

Spot came back to us because the adopters dog was being mean to him. We took him back and put him back up on the GMDAP Facebook page. He was such a handsome and cute puppy that he was quickly adopted and is with the perfect family now. He is going to obedience training and they are working on him becoming a Canine Good Citizen! The first picture of Spot is one of my favorite puppy pictures! I think it is the cutest thing ever!! TikTok!

Geauga Mama Dogs and Pups

Go to the Geauga Mama Dogs and Pups website to see puppies and mama dogs available for adoption, learn about our group, donate or volunteer to foster or transport.

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