Cinnamon, Llana and Pepper

When we got Cinnamon, Llana and Pepper they were hungry and scared. All puppies are hungry when we get them since a lot of times they are coming from Kentucky so they have been in the car from 9 AM until almost 4 with no food; so they don’t get sick in the car.

Like all puppies, Cinnamon, Llana, and Pepper each had their own personalities. Cinnamon was a little cutie who loved to run and play. Pepper was mellow and had the cutest freckles on her paws. Llana was a sweetheart who like to stand up to poop – I actually captured her doing this in the video below! ๐Ÿคฃ

Outdoor Play

We got a couple cheap kiddie slides for the puppies and they were a hit!! In the first video, they wanted to go down the slide again and again! They also liked to use the slides to play king of the hill. The puppies also got a chance to float in the pool! We are super careful they don’t fall off. Puppies seem to like floating in the pool and lay pretty still and just float around with me. ๐Ÿ’—

It’s Chilly Outside!

Aunt Olive

Aunt Olive stood her ground with the puppies, like she always does, while the puppies explored the dining room after our Halloween party to see if anyone dropped anything tasty.

Sleepy Puppies

These three liked to sleep all piled together for the most part. It was so cute. Once in a while they would sleep on their own.

Ready for Adoption

Cinnamon (now Gracie) was adopted by a family that lives less than a mile away so we get to see her sometimes. Pepper was another direct adoption and we’ve received great updates on her. TikTok!

Geauga Mama Dogs and Pups

Go to the Geauga Mama Dogs and Pups website to see puppies and mama dogs available for adoption, learn about our group, donate or volunteer to foster or transport.

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