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Patience and Her Puppies Arrive!

Right before Mother’s Day I got a text from one of the members of GMDAP asking if I wanted to foster a mama dog and her 9 puppies. My immediate response was to say YES! But I talked it over with Rob first because I knew it would be a lot of work for both of us. We had never fostered a mama dog and puppies before so I was super excited and a little nervous. Rob was hesitant but agreed because he could tell how much it meant to me.

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Cocoa, Honey and Graham

Cocoa, Honey and Graham were adorable little puppies!

Graham tries a new ear style. All the puppies are doing it! Cocoa tries antigravity eating. It’s much better for digestion! And all the puppies try on jackets. They are not fans!

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Maize Valley Winery

This weekend was our first trip with our trailer for the season. We were supposed to camp at Maize Winery as part of the Harvest Hosts program along with Betsy’s brother, Kirk, and his wife, Donna, but they were unable to get their trailer out of the backyard where it […]

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Alfie and Arlo

When we fostered Alfie and Arlo they were about 4 months old. We also had Cookie and Tootsie that we were holding on to because Friendship APL was full. They were supposed to go to the APL on Sunday but we had them until Wednesday. Cookie and Tootsie were both girls and Alfie and Arlo boys so a lot of times we just referred to them as “The Girls” and “The Boys”. When we got them, Alfie and Arlo had just gotten over Coccidia so we kept the two sets of puppies separate.

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Cookie and Tootsie

We took over fostering these two girls from Whitney – her dogs didn’t get along with the new puppies and the puppies didn’t like being penned off on their own. They were such sweethearts, but they definitely didn’t like being left alone!

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Nadia and Natalia

Our friend Dmitriy named these sweet little girls. Nadia was definitely the lover and Natalia the troublemaker! 🙂 They loved our dog “Aunt” Lily and like to sleep by her. They loved going for walks and did pretty well on a leash.

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Quinn, Rory & Shannon

We fostered Quinn, Rory and Shannon from Friday, March 17th to Wednesday, March 29th. They are shown from left to right in the picture above. Since we got them on St. Patrick’s Day, we decided to use Irish names! They were such good puppies.

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Maggie and Charlie

Maggie and Charlie were big lovable Border Collie mix fluff balls. They were always in a great mood and loved to run and play in the yard. We got them right before our fosters Shannon, Quinn and Rory were adopted and went to their furever homes.

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Mia, Tucker and Lacy

Mia, Tucker, and Lacy are Black Lab/Great Pyrenees mix. They are playful, loveable puppies that will grow up to be big and huggable! They are so fluffy! They loved to snuggle with us even though it made them warm.