Scout, Mollie and Colton

Scout, Mollie and Colton had Kennel Cough when they got them. Colton got really sick, which I talk about more below. Mollie was very fluffy, but skinny so she could squeeze through the bars in our omni-pen. So we had to wrap them with X-pens. She learned how to climb the X-pen right before she was adopted, but she had grown enough that she couldn’t squeeze through the omni-pen any longer thankfully.

Helping Out Around the House

Mollie was very helpful around the house. She liked to help rearrange to help the space have more Fung Shui. She also like to help with the dishes which can be exhausting! ๐Ÿคฃ

Outdoor Play

Scout, Mollie and Colton loved to play outdoors. Their favorite game was “Chase Old Aunt Lily” which is Lily’s least favorite game. ๐Ÿคฃ They also loved a good game of tug!

Sleeping Puppies

Colton Gets Really Sick

Colton got really sick (we think from coccidia). He would not eat or drink and just laid in his bed not wanting to move. It is scary when puppies get sick because they can go downhill so fast. Another foster at Geauga Mama Dogs and Pups taught me how to give subcutaneous fluids. Once he had some fluids in him he turned around pretty quick. The day after he received fluids, I was sitting in the front room with him while I was working and I went to the kitchen to get some water. When I came back Colton had come out of the front room and was sitting in the entry way. He looked a little rough but it was the first time he moved out of the bed in over 3 days! I cried, more like sobbed, I was so happy. I told him he just made the the happiest person in the whole world. Later that day he played tug with Mollie!

Ready for Adoption

Scout, Mollie and Colton pose for their adoption pictures. All three were direct adopted which is so nice because we get to meet their new families and get updates on how they are doing!

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