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London 2023

Finally! Off to Europe – we started planning this trip in 2019 before Covid! A couple reschedules later, and we’re finally here. After a brief layover in Lisbon, our first stop is London.

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Cinder, Ebony, and Ash

While driving home with Cinder, Ebony and Ash I received a text that they were sick and we needed to keep them in a confined area. After I got home we were advised that the litter may have been exposed to Parvo and not to let them in the yard.

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Penny, Dewey and Buddy

We got Penny, Dewey and Buddy in July of 2023 and we only had them for a week and 2 days. Penny was named for the color of her coat, Dewey got his name because he had a double dew claw on his back paws and Buddy was just a good little buddy. ๐Ÿ™‚They loved running in the yard and playing in the kiddie pool. And, they were liked to help out with the dishes!!

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Patience and Her Puppies Arrive!

Right before Mother’s Day I got a text from one of the members of GMDAP asking if I wanted to foster a mama dog and her 9 puppies. My immediate response was to say YES! But I talked it over with Rob first because I knew it would be a lot of work for both of us. We had never fostered a mama dog and puppies before so I was super excited and a little nervous. Rob was hesitant but agreed because he could tell how much it meant to me.

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Cocoa, Honey and Graham

Cocoa, Honey and Graham were adorable little puppies!

Graham tries a new ear style. All the puppies are doing it! Cocoa tries antigravity eating. Itโ€™s much better for digestion! And all the puppies try on jackets. They are not fans!