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Shyanne, Mary Ann, Skipper, and Ginger

We were down to 3 puppies and mama so we were able to spend more time with each of the puppies and mama dog. Part of why we go down to fewer puppies so we can give them extra love and attention. Cuteness and Swim Time Mary Ann floated in […]

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Shyanne and Pups Weeks 7 & 8

Playtime The puppies are so grown up now. They love to run outside and play. and they love their Aunt Lily, our 12 year old rescue Bichon Frisé. I turned a video of them all piling on her at the same time and turned it in to a TikTok. 🤣 […]

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Shyanne and Pups Weeks 5 & 6

Playtime The first video is the puppies first time outside! Mama Shyanne was a little nervous. The puppies loved pool time and playing with the PVC toy gym our granddaughter Eleanor helped build for our foster puppies. Time to Eat Skipper fell asleep in the food tray and dreamt about […]

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Shyanne and Pups Weeks 3 & 4

The puppies continue to grow and develop so fast. They are still working on walking but are also interacting and playing with each other and toys. They started to eat puppy gruel which is very messy and funny to watch! Time to Eat! Eating time is messy. All the puppies […]

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Shyanne and Pups Weeks 1 & 2

Shyanne’s puppies are changing so fast. They are only 2 weeks old and are already starting to open their eyes and move around. They are still nursing off Mama, so we have not introduced solid food yet. Feeding Time Feeding time can get pretty crazy! The puppies get very worked […]

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Shyanne’s Puppies Are Born!

We got Shy from Kentucky on Sunday, May 5th. She looked very pregnant and we were worried she would have her puppies during transport. But she didn’t have her puppies until Thursday, May 16th!

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Taco, Belle, and Nacho

Taco, Belle, and Nacho were found in a box. They were thin and hungry when we got them and had food aggression. Puppies are always hungry when they come from Kentucky – it’s a long ride! The pads of their feet had burns on them – we think from standing […]