Shyanne and Pups Weeks 3 & 4

The puppies continue to grow and develop so fast. They are still working on walking but are also interacting and playing with each other and toys. They started to eat puppy gruel which is very messy and funny to watch!

Time to Eat!

Eating time is messy. All the puppies are still wobbly on their feet and fall and slip around in the puppy gruel.

Working on Walking

Everyone is getting a little more stable on their feet but they still wobble and fall over a lot. Some are better at it than others.

Wrestle Mania

The puppies are really starting to enjoy wrestling and playing with each other. It is so cute to see them try to act all tough!


The puppies started to interact and play with toys instead of just chewing on each others faces. It felt like a big step. Growing up fast. 🥹

Sleeping Puppies

Cuteness TikTok!

Geauga Mama Dogs and Pups

Go to the Geauga Mama Dogs and Pups website to see puppies and mama dogs available for adoption, learn about our group, donate or volunteer to foster or transport.

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