Halloween 2019

We dressed as Boy Scout and Girl Scout this year. We setup a bar on the deck, which made it a little easier to manage instead of running downstairs all night. We had some cancellations due to sickness, but still had 50 people show up!
The scariest one of them all!
No party this year due to Coronavirus!
2008 Halloween party. Betsy, Danielle, Larry, and Ozzie dressed up as Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and Toto from Wizard of Oz. Kelly came dressed as a witch to unknowingly join the cast!
2011 Halloween Party
Lots of great costumes! Took me awhile to figure out who “Pat” was! John and Chris were both walking around all night with huge boxes over their heads for their costumes.
We were Jeanie and Captain Nelson.